



7:00 AM




早上7:45 - 8:00



Becoming Superhuman: The Science of Optimizing Productivity and Performance

Dr. 萨哈尔·尤瑟夫和卢卡斯·米勒教授

In the past few years, there has been a dramatic shift in the way teams and organizations work. 对抗过度投入的感觉, 过度劳累, 和重载, we need a new playbook—one that enables each of us to fully leverage the opportunities in front of us and equip ourselves with the knowledge we need to both think more strategically and get more work done when time and resources are limited.

加入伯克利的神经科学家. 萨哈尔·尤瑟夫和卢卡斯·米勒教授 for a customized workshop called, 《365bet线上盘口app官网》. 在会议上, the facilitators will review how our brains and bodies work 最好的 and provide highly effective and scientifically proven techniques for getting our most important work done, 在更短的时间内, 压力更小.

上午9:15 - 10:15

策略性思考AI, Data, and Cybersecurity: How Leading Firms Are Positioning for the Future

Joel Bruckenstein, CFP®

The leading firms of the future will need to understand the interrelationships between data, AI, 和网络安全. This session will discuss all three topics and explain how to think strategically about them. Current and future use cases for AI within your firm will also be discussed.


  • Understand the interrelationship between data, AI, 和网络安全
  • 学习如何为未来制定技术战略
  • Learn about firms that are harnessing AI today, and how you can benefit from their initiatives

上午10:45 -下午12:15


主持人: Cheryl Holland, CFP®, CFBA, Founder, Abacus Planning Group


Ben Harrison,潘兴纽约梅隆银行董事总经理

Richard Lofgren,高盛董事总经理

嘉信理财董事总经理Brad Losson

Angie Popek,富达高级副总裁,区域总经理

Jason Wenk,利他主义者的创始人兼首席执行官

Leaders from major custodians will share their insights on the state of the financial planning profession and identify areas that will require vigilance over the coming 5-10 years.

下午12:15 - 1:45



Cybersecurity Trends: Is your Business Ready for the Changing Cybersecurity Landscape?


As the persistence and sophistication of cybercriminals increases exponentially, cyber risk and information security can become a constant struggle for business leaders. 本次会议将探讨2023年的主要趋势, 2024年将会发生什么, 以及加强网络管理的最佳实践.


  • Learn about cybersecurity industry trends impacting financial services firms
  • Discuss practices to strengthen an organization's security posture
  • Understand why it is critical for leaders to foster a cybersecurity-conscious culture within their organization

下午3:30 - 4:30



Designed to provide an overview of how firms need to think about NextGen talent, this session will cover what leaders need to know about hiring, 保留, and developing the talent of the future to ensure the clients of the future are well-served. Topics covered will include characteristics of NextGen talent, 企业人才管理的重要性, creating the culture to attract and understand this talent, and measuring success in building an inclusive firm where future talent can thrive.


  • Understand the importance of talent management in building firms of the future
  • Learn demographic and cultural competency to understand future talent needs and motivators
  • Determine success measurements for building a NextGen friendly culture




晚上6:30 - 8:30



早上7:15 - 8:00




主持人: 汤姆Orecchio, CFA®, CFP®, ChFC®, 如果®, 首席执行官, 财富经理及主要负责人, Modera财富


Patrick Lawler CFP®️, CFA, Head of Mergers and Acquisitions, Savant Wealth Management

Kristen Oziemkowski, Chief Operating Officer, The Mather Group

Harli Palme, CFP®️, CFA, Chief Operating Officer, Modera财富

这个小组将讨论M&A. We will discuss challenges and successes related to the integration of culture, 技术堆栈和流程.

上午9:15 - 10:15


Caleb Brown, MBA, CFP®

Recruiting and hiring for your firm can be a challenging and time-consuming process, 但事实并非如此! 联合创始人Caleb Brown & New Planner Recruiting的首席执行官, will share his knowledge from 15+ years of recruiting financial planning talent for firms across the country. Brown will also share how the COVID-19 pandemic and recent bear market will impact hiring for years to come.

Attendees will gain Brown's insights into understanding the next generation of financial services professionals, crafting a unique position description so you will stand out, 从哪里寻找候选人来建立渠道, how to effectively screen candidates to ensure they are a good fit for your firm, 薪酬数据和最佳实践, 成功地将新员工融入公司, 挽留策略, 并把他们培养成未来的合作伙伴.

上午10:45 -下午12:15



How do you ensure your firm's culture stays strong after retirements, 其他领导换届, 战略的变化? By establishing a principle that everyone is a leader and all are responsible for evolving the firm. 在本节中,学习如何 最好的 leaders create followership and shape their cultures over time.


  • 了解受人尊敬的领导者的要素
  • 确定追随者如何定义领导可信度
  • Understand behaviors to forge a team of leaders across the firm

下午12:15 - 1:45

午餐和 网络



主持人: 丽迪雅Sheckels, CFP®️, 俱乐部, ChFC, 合作伙伴, 名誉首席信息官和高级财务顾问, 威斯科特财务咨询集团有限责任公司


Mark Berg, CFP®️, Founding Principal, Timothy Financial Counsel, Inc.

Samantha Macchia, CFP®️,ChFC,总裁 & 峰会金融战略首席执行官

Jamie Malone, CFA, CFP®️, CPA, Principal, Financial Strategist, Agili

This panel will discuss unique client experience offerings, training employees properly for consistent client experience, 以及提高客户满意度的建议.

下午3:30 - 4:30


Dennis Stearns, CFP®,ChFC, Stearns Financial Group创始人

各种私营公司的领导人, 包括ria, are experiencing unprecedented threats and opportunities from accelerating VUCA (volatility, 不确定性, 复杂性和模糊性)来自各个方向. The techno-industrial revolution is creating massive change and “change anxiety” in society. RIA面临的挑战包括客户有更多的选择, 更容易出现行为金融问题, and NextGen advisors often have trouble syncing with clients who aren’t in their “tribe”. 未来的不确定性, including consumer 不确定性 about the future of 60/40, 对注册会计师来说既是机遇又是威胁.

在本次会议上, 斯特恩斯将分享精神框架, 策略, and tactics of his own firm and his large network of RIA firms, including how to adapt new “customer love” and “employee love” techniques from the 最好的 private companies.

下午4:30 - 4:40




